
The Business Process Automation (BPA) approach states that until a process automated, there is no real value in analyzing and defining it and that the cycle of business change is so rapid .It simplification is not time to define every process before choosing which ones to address with automation and that delivering immediate benefits creates more value.

Through RAS Automation, the packaged applications in development cloud before deploying to operations cloud. To automate the packaged applications in development cloud, need to install the development cloud first. The procedure to automate the packaged processes is as follows.

Install the development cloud functionality, create roles for selected role templates, and initialize the data, formats, workflows and test each scenario, which is assigned to role and update the package status.

After testing the role scenarios in development cloud, process wise scenarios will moved to operations cloud for the organization operations.

These are the Five Steps for Automation in RAS:
  • Setup

    • Appspaces
    • Installations
  • Organization

    • Roles
    • Directory
  • Initialization
  • Automate
  • Go Live

After finishing these five steps Automation is finished and you are ready for deploy in Live System (Relgo Operations Cloud)

Let us know more information about each steps go to next session.