Sales & Marketing
This sales automation module is a package build to track sales & marketing activities like Lead generation, marketing campaigns, send group sms, group emails, track lead follow ups, maintain lead history, lead to sale statistics & generate automated sales reports , leads reports & campaign reports. Besides it also provides graphical statistics thereby enabling management know progress instantly.
Features and the benefits :
Create/track leads and assign them to your respective sales executives; reach out to any number of leads at the shortest     possible time.
 Simplify sending follow-ups by sms facility.
 Maintain leads? history and gauge their interest in various ventures/plots.
 Convert a prospective lead into a customer.
 Complete price negotiation formalities and collect token payment.
 Generate payment schedules for customers.
 Effectively follow-up customer payments and avoid delays.
 Generate periodical sales reports, analyze marketing trends and update top management about future course of      action.
Realty ERP
Relgo ERP is a web based application, deployed in your datacenter and integrated with other applications.