Stock Management

Managing assets of organisation is utmost priority of any organisation, they make up the important components of operations. Your company’s technological and non - technical assets like documents, contracts, litigations, even hardware, machinery, and equipment, must be tracked to manage, as they are depreciated as time passes. With our Asset Management module, tag any serialized material with trackers like RFID, NFC, Bar Code, QR Code or other Sensors, and effectively track assets throughout their life cycle without missing a minute detail.

Usecases :

  • -- Manage inward stock
  • -- Manage outward stock

What can you manage ?

    can manage an intuitive platform with tools at your disposal, so that you get notified about new resource added, enhanced analysis


Your company’s tech nolog ical and non - technical as sets like documents, contracts, litigations, even hardware, machinery , and equipment, must be tracked to manage.

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